Meditation,Yoga and Alexander Technique – 2.5 Day Urban Retreat

Friday September 27th to Sunday September 29th, 2024


Join us for a beautiful 2.5-day retreat this September, where we will combine the Alexander Technique with meditation and yoga. The Alexander Technique promotes ease and efficiency in all our movements and use of self. So, why not apply it to meditation and yoga as well? Imagine meditating while sitting in a posture that causes less back pain or practicing yoga poses while stressing your neck less. Discover how to move with more freedom and ease in this unique, immersive experience.


This retreat takes place at the English Yoga Berlin studio. This is an urban retreat where participants sleep at home and re-convene in the morning.

What is included in the “Yoga, Meditation and Alexander Technique” retreat:

  • Three Hatha Yoga Sessions
  • Six meditation sessions
  • An introduction to the Alexander Technique
  • Walking meditations
  • Fun Alexander Technique awareness games
  • Two half hour private Alexander Technique lessons for each participant.


September 27th to September 29th, 2024

The retreat for the group officially starts on Friday at 14:30 and ends on Sunday at 12:30. On Friday morning, before the official group class, participants can book their first 30-minute private Alexander Technique class in one of the available slots.

The full cost of the retreat is 170 Euros.

Early Registration Discount: Receive a 20€ discount if you register for the retreat before August 1st, 2024. To reserve your space, please send an email to Jörg Aßhoff and deposit 40 Euros by bank transfer.

Deposit Policy:

  • The deposit is fully refundable if a cancellation occurs before August 15th, 2024.
  • The deposit is 50% refundable if a cancellation occurs before September 1st, 2024.
  • After September 1st, 2024, no refund is possible.

Full Payment Due Date:

  • The remaining balance of the retreat fee (110 Euros if you were an early bird, 130 Euros if you registered after August 1st) is due by September 5th, 2024.
  • No refunds of the full payment will be issued after September 5th, 2024.

We will send an email to all registered participants reminding them of the date, asking them to book their private class, and providing all the essential details about the retreat.

Since space is limited, register early before the spots fill up!

For more details, please write to:

About the teachers:

Pinelopi Sioni – embarked on her yoga journey in 1999, completing a 600-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher and Vedantic Philosophy Training course in Valencia, Spain. She founded English Yoga Berlin in 2010, and now has over 15 years of experience as a full-time yoga teacher.

She deepened her knowledge by studying Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff. Additionally, she trained with David Moore and attended his “Injury-free yoga” workshops, integrating the Alexander Technique into yoga poses. This comprehensive training enriched her expertise in both fields.

In January of 2023, Pinelopi achieved a significant milestone by becoming a certified Alexander Technique teacher. This was an intensive training for 3.3 years, totaling 1600 hours of dedicated study with Jörg Aßhoff.

She has completed a training on “Understanding Trauma for Safer Spaces” with Legacy Motion, and studied “Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies” with Linda Thai. Her meditation philosophy is deeply inspired by Tara Brach, especially the RAIN meditation. . She is also the author of a children’s book, “The Magic of Rain,” which introduces the RAIN meditation to children and their grown-ups, to be published in 2025 by Mango Publishing.

Joerg Aßhoff –  is an experienced Alexander Technique Teacher with a 30 year working experience. He is now the director of the Alexander-Technik-Schule in Berlin, teaching the next generation of Alexander Technique teachers. His expertise includes teaching at the University of Performing Arts, Community schools, and speech therapy schools. He practices Zen meditation since 1990 and studied with a Japanese Zen master for a long period of time.

Yoga and the Alexander Technique Course

Our habits accompany us wherever we go. Whether we’re reaching for an object or assuming a yoga pose like the Warrior, if we have a tendency to tense our neck before lifting our arms, that pattern will persist. The Alexander Technique delves into these ingrained habits, offering subtle adjustments that can significantly enhance our overall bodily coordination. Through this Yoga and the Alexander Technique course, we’ll explore how to approach yoga poses from the perspective of the Alexander Technique, aiming to unearth and transform these underlying habits.

How does the “Yoga and Alexander Technique Berlin” Course work?

This course comprises six classes, each structured as follows:

  • Commencement with ten minutes of semi-supine practice and guided instructions.
  • Exploration of 3 to 4 yoga poses in every session, examining them through the lens of the Alexander Technique.
  • Incorporation of a 10-minute guided relaxation period.
  • Engaging in interactive games aimed at grasping Alexander Technique concepts.
  • Participation in partner activities, where students are paired up to enhance interoception (prior consent is always sought).
  • Dedicated time for optional questions and comments.

Please note: This is an in-studio exclusive class and will not be available for online streaming.

For Whom?

This course is for anybody who is interested in yoga or who is interested in the Alexander Technique. It is designed in a way that you can participate, regardless of your level of experience.

What to bring?

Mats, blankets and chairs are provided at the studio. For hygiene, it is best if you bring your own equipment, but you are welcome to use ours too!


Every Thursday 8pm starting on April 11th to May 23rd, 2024. (except May 9th which falls on a public holiday)

Duration: 1hour and 15 minutes.

Price: 65 euro if you sign up for the 6 classes, 15 euro if you want a drop in class

How to sign up?

To book the whole course please fill out this form.

To book a drop in class, book through momoyoga. Click here to see how it works.

Pinelopi embarked on her yoga journey in 1999, completing a 600-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher and Vedantic Philosophy Training course in Valencia, Spain. She founded English Yoga Berlin in 2010, and now has over 15 years of experience as a full-time yoga teacher.

She deepened her knowledge by studying Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff. Additionally, she trained with David Moore and attended his “Injury-free yoga” workshops, integrating the Alexander Technique into yoga poses. This comprehensive training enriched her expertise in both fields.

In January of 2023, Pinelopi achieved a significant milestone by becoming a certified Alexander Technique teacher. This was an intensive training for 3.3 years, totaling 1600 hours of dedicated study with Jorg Aßhoff.

Pinelopi’s ergonomic consultations integrate anatomy, Alexander Technique, and yoga’s mind-body understanding. Her holistic approach optimizes well-being in the workplace through comprehensive guidance.

She has completed training in ‘Understanding Trauma for Safer Spaces’ with Legacy Motion and ‘Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies’ with Linda Thai. Her meditation philosophy is deeply inspired by Tara Brach, particularly the RAIN meditation. She is also the author of a children’s book, ‘The Magic of Rain,‘ which introduces the RAIN meditation to children and their grown-ups. It will be published in 2025 by Mango Publishing.

The Alexander Technique and my Feet

As a person born with a club foot and having received corrective surgery as a baby, my feet have always been a sensitive spot for me. The way I learned to use my body as a child was a way to protect myself from pain and from movements that felt impossible to do. As a result, these habits of use developed into a very particular way of movement that brought me into decades of chronic pain. It has not been all bad. The pain brought me into yoga and stretching of very tight muscles. That in turn, brought me into the Alexander Technique and a deeper understanding of what it is I do that increases the tightness of those muscles.

The Alexander Technique does not deal directly with a single part of the body. A teacher will always work with the body as a whole, and that will have an effect on a specific part in an indirect manner. In short, one could say that for an Alexander Technique teacher, “Feet are never just feet. Feet are a reflection of the whole body.”

So these past three years of intense Alexander Technique have changed my whole body and the way I use it. As a result of these changes, three indirect changes have also occurred at my feet.

My foot grew a size.

Well, I guess it didn’t grow like kids’ feet grow .. but it must have released to fill its true size, because I no longer shop for size 41! I am assuming that I have had a lot of tension in my feet and that has been scrunching them up to a shorter size. At the beginning I thought that this was only me, but then one day when we were talking in class I realized that this has happened to half of the trainees in my course!

Fortunately I am the kind of person who only owns two pair of shoes, and this change did not mean a massive investment into my wardrobe!

Good bye insoles.

As you might imagine, being someone with my kind of history has made me always dependent on medical custom made insoles. Furthermore, after my club foot leg was lengthened it never reached the full length of the other leg. Doctors have told me different kinds of measurements from 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters difference…. apparently enough to create back pain.

I remember talking about insoles during one of our breaks in my first months of training. My teacher was being very cautious about staying completely neutral on the subject of insoles. Other trainees were saying negative comments about insoles… comments I have heard before, such as “Insoles make the feet lazy”. I felt the need to be protective over my insoles and responded loudly how my insoles have reduced my pain (something I still do believe). Inside me, there was turmoil. And somewhere, a little bit of hope. Could it be that I could get rid of them one day? Could it be that the way I walk changes so much that I do not need custom made insoles and shoes?

And then corona happened. Waiting at the doctor’s office for a new prescription of insoles felt reckless. Going to shops to buy new shoes and bringing them to another shop to change their height really did not feel like a high priority when we were isolating and living through a lock down. And so slowly, remembering the conversation I had at the beginning of my course… they left my life. At the beginning, there was pain and confusion in my body. But within two months, I was so surprised to find there was no more pain and that I could do without them. I have now been over a year without insoles. Something I never thought would be possible. And yet!

The way my shoes wear out is different.

In the past, the soles of the shoes I had would wear out quickly. The wear out was uneven. The outer edge of the sole was more worn out than the inner edge, causing a diagonal slant. This would happen within the first four months of having a new pair of shoes. What this means is that I would put more pressure on the outer edge of my feet when I walked, wearing the sole out unevenly.

But this too has changed! I bought new shoes and have been wearing them now for nearly a year. It makes me so happy to look at the soles and still see that they are evenly worn out. No more diagonal slants. My walking has changed. Where I put the pressure is different. And my shoes are proof.

About the Author:

Pinelopi is in her 3rd year of the Alexander Technique teacher training course, studying with Jorg Asshof in Berlin. She is now taking on Alexander Technique tester students. She is working at half price (25€) until she graduates in the spring of 2023.

Pinelopi completed a 600 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher and Vedantic Philosophy Training course over a period of two years in Valencia, Spain.  For over a decade, she has worked as a full-time yoga teacher in Spain and in 2010 she founded English Yoga Berlin. She then studied Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff; and“Injury-free yoga” applying the Alexander Technique postural alignment to all yoga poses with David Moore .Her workshops and retreats are inspired by Tara Brach‘s teachings.