Welcome to our collection of yoga meditation in the style of Yoga Nidra!
Each audio clip contains a guided rotation of consciousness and visualization to help counter the fight/flight/freeze response. So you can relax, sleep better, feel more alert, know yourself more deeply and generally improve your quality of life.
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This collection of audio files was recorded at our lovely back garden yoga studio in Berlin Kreuzberg. Each guided Yoga Nidra relaxation was created by an English Yoga Berlin teacher. The ideas and the images are inspired by a variety of sources. Our dreams, the art and music and people around us, and challenges and lessons that are part of life!
How to practice Yoga Nidra
Before listening, we suggest that you spend 30min doing some gentle Yoga asana of your choice. This will help release tension from your body and deepen your breathing and concentration.
When you feel ready, we suggest lying comfortably on your back (or on your side, especially if you are pregnant!). You can use a blanket to keep warm, and a bolster to support your lower back. Please make sure you feel warm and comfortable, so that you won’t have to move during the relaxation.
You can read more about Yoga Nidra on our blog here and here.

Relaxations for the World
Connecting with the world relaxation – The interconnectedness between ourselves and the world. A unity and oneness to counter feelings of loneliness and despair, as well as developing better relational skills with others.
Walking Through The Seasons – This is a season-based meditation. It’s is gentle and relaxing and is especially nice for dark Winter nights, when the Spring feels very far away!
Eye of the Storm – A nature-based relaxation encouraging healthy boundaries and a sense of detachment from the world. A reminder that you can’t control the world, but you can choose to observe and even enjoy it.
Journey through the Jungle – A nature-based relaxation to practice shifting your perspective to other creatures. Generating a feeling of unity to get in touch with your wilder and more instinctual self.
Smoky Mirror – Celebrating the Spring Equinox, when dormant things are waking up and green shoots are everywhere! Get in touch with an aspect of yourself that is waiting to be born. And discover what you need to do to help the process along.
Roses – This is a relaxation based on the idea of generosity and mutual gratitude. Promoting the feeling of connectedness to the people and things around you. Recognizing and honouring your own talents and gifts.
Relaxations for Self-healing
Staring at the Stars – For when you want to feel held, supported and nourished by the world around you. It helps you to re-fill your tank by tapping into the energy in the natural world around you.
Chod-inspired relaxation – This is a relaxation inspired by the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Chod. Consciously meeting your fear/grief/suffering/triggers. Then dealing with them in a constructive and compassionate way.
Meeting the Child You Were – Travel into our own selves and make contact with the our child-selves. This is a useful practice for touching base with your deeper Self: what do you really want? what do you really need? It can be very nurturing and is very helpful for people going through a hard time.
The Elder in the Garden – Get in touch with your own inner wisdom and calm. It’s ideal for when you are facing a difficult situation and need to get in touch with your inner knowing.
Your Safe Space – This is a great relaxation for creating and strengthening contact to your own inner ”safe space”. It’s especially helpful if you are feeling anxious or threatened by something happening in your life. It is a great tool for trauma survivors of all kinds, and is also very accessible for children.
Relaxations for Setting Intentions
Rapid Visualization and Chakra symbols – This relaxation works with subconscious imagery. It is highly visual.
Made of Stars – A very visual relaxation to remind the listener of their own (perhaps unknown or untapped) capacities.
Your Word – This simple relaxation is an excellent tool for setting or clarifying an intention or goal in your life.
Ship at Sunset – This is a relaxation based on a dream I had. It has a sort of fairy tale quality to it. It’s helpful for getting in touch with the wishes you have for your life.
This work by https://www.englishyogaberlin.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.