There are many, many different types of yoga and each teacher has their own style. All of us at English Yoga Berlin are guided by the basic principles of the Yoga Sutra, especially that of Ahimsa (non-violence): we respect our limits while gently opening our bodies and minds to new experiences and ways of seeing. We also include techniques from Yoga Nidra in all of our classes.You can see our class schedule here.
Here is what we offer:
Vinyasa Flow:
This Anusara-influenced Vinyasa Yoga class connects the breath with flowing, dynamic movement through sequences of traditional and contemporary Hatha yoga postures. A Vinyasa Flow class can be very different from another. The style of this specific class is slower than most, it focuses on techniques of Svastha Yogatherapy – strengthening the body to help heal from injuries, manage pain and chronic illness, and resting the mind to recover from stress and anxiety. Every class ends with a guided relaxation. It is open to both beginners and experienced students, as well as those with injuries, chronic pain or limited mobility, as options and modifications for poses are offered by the teacher. It is a queer and trans* positive space where gender binaries are viewed post-structurally and heteronormativity is challenged. Allies welcome.
Hatha Yoga:
This is a soft, balancing yoga. It mainly consists of getting into a position and holding it while breathing deeply. The students choose how hard they want to make it for themselves by choosing how many breaths they are able to do on that particular day. This class is taught in English and includes up to 70 minutes of positions and 20 minutes of relaxation and visualization, in which we introduce aspects of Yoga Nidra (conscious deep sleep).
Every Day Movements:
Discover Ease in Everyday Moves! This group Alexander Technique class explores simple, everyday actions—from sitting to lifting and reaching—revealing how we often create unnecessary tension without realizing it. Together, we’ll unwind old habits, finding coordination, comfort, and freedom in movements we take for granted. Click here to learn more.
Yoga and the Alexander Technique course:
In this Yoga and the Alexander Technique course we will look at ways we enter yoga poses through the lens of the Alexander Technique, with the intention of uncovering deep habits. We carry our habits everywhere. If we tend to stress our neck before we lift our arm, we will do that regardless whether we are reaching for a box or bringing our arms up into the Warrior pose. The Alexander Technique looks into these deep habits and gives you small impulses that make a big difference in how to access a better coordination with your body as a whole. Click here for more info.
Meditation Course: learning how to meditate- 6 class hybrid course
We all need to find ways to touch base with our Self regularly. In this six week course we will look at different aspects of meditation and learn how to create our own practice. To learn more click here.
Meditation Course: Exploring the Negativity Bias – 6 week hybrid course
We all have an active negativity bias inside of us. In this six week course we will look at several aspects of meditation that can help make this bias lighter. Click here to learn more.
Meditation Course: Mindful Care-Giving – 6 week course
How can we bring mindfulness in our care-giving with children? In what ways can we help children through difficult emotions even when we are going through difficult times ourselves? How can we create more presence in such a high speed world? Click here to look at the details of previous courses.
Chakra Course:
In this course we will learn the symbolic language of the chakras and how human behaviors affect its vibrations. We use the chakras as a map to help us self explore certain concepts like our tribes (as an archetype), creativity, self esteem, forgiveness, surrender, love, detachment and connection to our spirits. The course will be a mix of meditations, visualizations, yoga poses, and inner-self exercises.
Restorative Yoga:
This a restful, gentle yoga practice that nourishes the parasympathetic nervous system, our body’s responses when rest or regeneration is required to counter stress, anxiety, insomnia, illness or injury. Poses are held for 5-20 minutes, supported by props, rolled-up blankets, blocks and chairs. In this specific class, a gentle flow warms up the body, before settling into longer poses, accompanied by some thai yoga massage to help deepen or relax the poses. At this time, there is no regular weekly course for restorative yoga. If you are interested in booking a private session, please contact Juli to arrange a date and time. Private sessions will be offered to Berlin-based Queer* and Trans* folks, and women with histories of trauma, including inter-generational, at a sliding scale rate of 25-60 euros. When booking a time with Juli, please be sure that this appointment works for you, as you will be charged a fee of half the agreed-upon rate if you cancel within 24 hours.
Private Yoga Lessons:
… for the really busy, for those with special needs, for the shy, or simply for those who want to get a personalized program and the undivided attention of the teacher. Private Yoga lessons are a sure way to address the little insecurities and questions you have about your practice, and to get advice on how to best use yoga and meditation for your specific life challenges. Click here if you want to learn more.
Business Yoga:
Pinelopi offers a variety of services, including Hatha Yoga, Ergonomic Consultations, Alexander Technique and mindfulness courses, tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses in Berlin. Whether you prefer on-site classes at your workplace or in the conference room of the hotel where your workforce is staying, Pinelopi can deliver the services you need to promote wellness and increase productivity. Click here to find out more.
All classes are taught in English.