Meditation Course: Mindful Care-giving

Although this course already took place, I’d be delighted to offer it again! If you’d like to invite me to your school, association, or organization—or if you have a group of at least six interested adults, such as parents, teachers, or caregivers—please reach out to arrange a repeat of this course. It’s available both online and in-studio.

How can we bring mindfulness in our care-giving with children? In what ways can we help children through difficult emotions even when we are going through difficult times ourselves? How can we create more presence in such a high speed world? Let’s explore all these questions together in this six week course on Mindful Care-giving.

How does the “Mindful Care-giving” Meditation Course work?

Each class will consist of:

  • an introduction explaining the aspect of the meditation we will look at that day
  • short stretching session to move the body before we sit in stillness
  • 20 minute guided meditation on the topic
  • space for questions and comments (optional)
  • this class is both live on a Thursday at the studio and online for the whole of Saturday and Sunday. The 20 minute meditation remains online till the following Saturday so that you can practice it daily throughout that week.

Meditation course topics:

In this course we will explore:

  • the RAIN meditation and how to apply it to ourselves
  • share stories on how we can guide children through RAIN
  • practice bringing awareness to the beliefs that could be fueling certain reactions in us
  • learning to wonder about what the child is believing and how that is fueling their reactions
  • ways for all of us to slow down in our interactions and allow for spontaneous connection

For Whom?

This meditation course on mindful care-giving is open to everybody who has a relationship to children and teenagers. This can be parents, teachers, kindergarten teachers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and auncles, health practitioners, and grown-up friends of children and teenagers.

What to bring?

Mats, blankets and chairs are provided at the studio. If you use a meditation cushion or bench when you meditate, then please bring that with you.


This course originally took place on Thursdays at 8 PM from January 12th to February 16th, 2023.

Although this session has ended, I’d be delighted to offer it again! If you’d like to invite me to your school, association, or organization—or if you have a group of at least six interested adults, such as parents, teachers, or caregivers—please reach out to arrange a repeat of this course. It’s available both online and in-studio.

Duration: 45–60 minutes.


70 euro for the 6 classes


English Yoga Berlin Görlitzerstr. 39 – Berlin

How to Sign up?

Write an email to pinelopi (at) englishyogaberlin (dot) com

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