A joyful journey through the sounds and vibrations of our bodies based on the principles of the Alexander Technique

We welcome you to this Vibration Workshop to delve into the realm of sound within our bodies. Often, we overlook the fact that speech, song, and chant all begin with vibration. In many ancient wisdom traditions, creation itself is said to have begun with sound and vibration. We have grown and been born amidst these vibrations, including the act of listening.
In our daily lives, we tend to forget about this fundamental truth and become disconnected from our origins. We do not take the time to listen to ourselves, and we habitually think and speak without being in contact with our bodies. But what if we were to pause, inhibit our actions, and become conscious of what we are doing? What if we could experience that we could do less? What if we got to know what supporting systems we have in us?
There is a prevailing belief in our society that reaching our goals requires a considerable effort. However, what if we were wrong? What if we could accomplish things with ease? What if we could trust our bodies and acquire the tools to support that trust? And what if we were to rediscover our natural voice? If we were to explore the spaces of sound within our bodies, what kind of voice might we uncover?
What unique sound would it make?
This Vibration Workshop includes?
- Vocal awakening sessions for the body: including shaking and buzzing
- awareness and inhibition exercises and games, with partners and without
- a guided Chakra vowel session where we learn how our thoughts can guide our voice
- Alexander Technique hands on work of Pinelopi and Sibylle, mirroring what is happening in our bodies
Saturday July 8th, 10.30-13.30
For whom is this Vibration Workshop for?
This is for anybody who likes to express themself with their voice. You do not have to be an experienced speaker or singer to join… be curious and open to discovery!
Maximum 12 participants
English Yoga Berlin Görlitzerstr. 39. 10967 Berlin
Price and how to Register?
48 € for the three hour workshop
Early bird price: 40€ if you register before June 8th, 2023. To register please write an email to:
sibyllegfellner (at) gmail (dot) com
About the Teachers:
Sibylle Gfellner is an experienced teacher of the Alexander Technique and an assistant at the Alexander-Technik Schule in Berlin. She has also received training in bodilance (from Petra Kunz Blunert) and Bewegungsevolution (from Martina Kunstwald). Sibylle has worked on several projects with Community Schools, Hochschulsport (HU), and SPZ Charité, helping children with chronic headaches.
Finding her own voice has always been a deep longing for Sibylle. She studied theatre at INAC in Berlin and singing and had the opportunity to work with the director Carlos Medina, where she first came into contact with chakra voweling. Her research has led her on a journey from classical music (with Sam Thiel) to new music (with Fatima Miranda), as well as yodeling (with Ingrid Hammer) and Georgian singing (with Frank Kane).A great source of inspiration for Sibylle is Shrikrishna, a master of Pranayama meditation.

Beginning her yoga journey in 1999, Pinelopi completed a 600 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher and Vedantic Philosophy Training course over a period of two years in Valencia, Spain. For the last decade, she has worked as a full-time yoga teacher in Spain and in 2010 she founded English Yoga Berlin. She studied Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff, and “Injury-free yoga” applying the Alexander Technique postural alignment to all yoga poses with David Moore. She is also an Alexander Technique teacher, and has recently graduated from Jörg Aßhoff‘s school in Berlin. Through a combination of her knowledge of anatomy and the Alexander Technique, she regularly offers companies ergonomic consultations and grounding workshops. One of her greatest inspiration is Tara Brach and her teachings.