Meditation Course: Exploring the negativity bias

We all have an active negativity bias inside of us. In this six week course we will look at several aspects of meditation that can help make this bias lighter.
How does “Exploring the Negativity Bias” Meditation Course work?
Each class will consist of:
- an introduction explaining the aspect of the meditation we will look at that day
- short stretching session to move the body before we sit in stillness
- 20 minute guided meditation on the topic
- space for questions and comments (optional)
- this class is both live on a Thursday and online for the whole of Saturday. The 20 minute meditation remains online till the following Saturday so that you can practice it daily throughout that week.
Berlin Meditation Negativity Bias Course Topics:
We will explore how the negativity bias came to be and how strong it is within us, using the following meditation practices:
- gratitude
- inner love strengthening
- loving kindness
- savoring
- community building
We will also explore misunderstandings that can be tightly winded with these practices in order to decouple gratitude from guilt and understand the difference between forced toxic positivity versus a healthy positive outlook.
For Whom?
This meditation course on exploring the negativity bias is open to everybody, from complete beginners to advanced students.
What to bring?
Mats, blankets and chairs are provided at the studio. If you use a meditation cushion or bench when you meditate, then please bring that with you.
Every Thursday 8pm starting on November 9th to December 14th, 2023.
Duration: 45 – 60 minutes.
The recorded version of this class will get streamed on Saturdays and Sundays. The 20 minute meditation will stay available online for the whole week.
65 euro for the 6 classes – VAT included
English Yoga Berlin Görlitzerstr. 39 – Berlin
How to Sign up?
Write an email to pinelopi (at) englishyogaberlin (dot) com