Every Day Movements

05.09.24 @ 20:00 – 21:15

Every Day Movements


Our habits permeate our daily lives, from the way we squeeze a lemon and carry a child in our arms to sitting in front of our computers, pouring tea, and climbing stairs. In this group Alexander Technique classes, we will examine these everyday movements through the lens of the Alexander Technique. We will explore ways to interrupt habitual patterns and introduce a newfound ease into our actions.

How does the course work?

We begin by delving into the Alexander Technique directions while in a semi-supine position. We familiarize ourselves with the five fundamental principles of the Alexander Technique. With each session, we select a specific action and look at the ways how we shape our bodies to perform it. Our focus is on maintaining our primary control and adapting our actions to serve us, rather than contorting ourselves to complete the task.

The teachings are delivered in an engaging manner through interactive games, observation, partner work, and self-awareness exercises.

For whom?

This class is open to all, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student. While having prior experience with private Alexander Technique classes can be helpful, it’s not a requirement for participation.

In my experience, individuals who benefit the most from the Alexander Technique combine private and group classes. Private sessions allow us to address your unique habits and guide you towards a more effortless way of being. In group classes, students can explore new ways of incorporating these principles into their lives while honing their self-awareness skills.


The course consits of six classes beginning:

  • Thursdays 8pm to 9.15 pm at English Yoga Berlin


This group Alexander Technique classes are available in two formats:

  • 6-week modules: €65 for the six classes
  • Drop-in class: €15

If you have any further questions or wish to register, please feel free to reach out:

pinelopi (at) englishyogaberlin (dot) com

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