We here proudly present the next level in our Yoga and the Alexander Technique adventures: a six day intensive workshop!
In the past year we have hosted two workshops at our yoga studio with David Moore and Rossella Buono. The workshops were a great success. Everyone left feeling they learned something valuable to bring to their practice and are now asking for more. So here it is!
WHEN: July 18th to 23rd 2018
WHAT: A six day Yoga and the Alexander Technique workshop that will give us the opportunity to explore the basics of posture movement and breathing and give participants the skills to develop a personalised approach to their yoga practice based on their own unique characteristics and needs. The practice does not end on the yoga mat, but involves the development of our awareness to how we are living and moving in all aspects of our lives. Besides examining and refining yoga poses we will be looking at everyday activities as simple as walking, standing and sitting.
In this workshop we will explore:
- Coordination and posture from an Alexander Technique perspective
Modifying yoga poses
Breathing and pranayama
Deepening observation skills
Freeing the energy flow through the body
Identifying and overcoming habits
Doing and non-doing
Developing an individualised practice
WHO ARE THE TEACHERS: David Moore (author of Smart Yoga: Apply the Alexander Technique to Enhance Your Practice, Prevent Injury, and Increase Body Awareness ) and Rossella Buono
FOR WHO IS THIS WORKSHOP: It will be of particular interest to yoga teachers, Alexander Technique teachers and experienced practitioners in those disciplines. However, if you are not any of these things, but still wish to participate… you will be very welcomed!
WHERE: our English Kreuzberg Yoga studio
PRICE: €450 (€400 early-bird if paid before 19 May)
For more details please click here.